A Lazy Sunday

I felt like a beached seal, that's for sure.

A Lazy Sunday
Photo by Florian Cordier / Unsplash | After all the ice cream I ate, I feel like a beached seal.

I hadn't really planned on it being so quiet here but I guess when it comes to breaking all the rules - there are no rules.

The plan was to take her out to Target and get her some pants because I don't know what happened to her dresser drawer but it's a disaster area and all I can find are short and mismatched socks.

In fact she was in shorts today. I figured we would get her into pants eventually but I guess pants are overrated here and not needed.

We didn't get to Target and we didn't have to change pants. What we did do was paint. I resisted the paint at first after yesterday where I had to clean up the paint afterwards but I caved and let her paint. She happily painted for a good hour. She told me she wanted to be an artist when she grows up and not a police officer. Both are not the dream careers for my little one but hey, who am I to tell her what to do?

What she did do was test me. She knows I'm more of a pushover than Mom but there's a limit I won't even cross. She wanted pancakes for cereal again and she wanted to go to the mall and get cotton candy.

Ha! Yeah, No. Don't push your luck princess. I do have to give her kudos for trying. I told her we've already broken a lot of rules and we're having more sweets tonight with ice cream and then we're going to Canada to celebrate Canadian Thanksgiving and I bet there will be more treats there too.

So, we chilled. She fired up her Amazon tablet (best $75 spent, folks) and I closed my eyes to see what happened and lo and behold I ended up napping. I figured she would get hungry or want something and wake me up so the nap wouldn't be too long but she was still glued to the tablet when I woke up.

I guess this is good. I now know that she won't burn down the house by getting into trouble because that would require putting down the tablet, and that doesn't happen. Ever.

I made dinner with a little help from Blue Apron and she ate it for the most part. I did have to rinse off the shrimp with some water as she was not keen on the honey glaze but otherwise no great issues.

For dessert we shared more of the Panda Paw ice cream and when I found a Panda Paw in mine, I handed it over. I want to remember this because I had more fun sharing the panda paw than I would ever have eating it. "oooh, thanks Dad" 😃

The bath and PJ routine went well too so maybe we both needed a day to recharge because breaking all the rules is hard. There's a lot of rules to break!

Mommy comes home tomorrow though so it's a good thing I cleaned up. She will need the room for the new mess she will make when she gets here.

We're ready for you mommy.

Keeping it Lazy,

TH and Co.