Band Aids and Boo Boo's

Falling hurts but hugs are free

Band Aids and Boo Boo's
Photo by Possessed Photography / Unsplash

We were having a nice evening when it all went sideways

BW and I were at the kitchen table talking and the child was playing outside when the screaming began. I knew she fell. I could hear it through the open window. She was dribbling the basketball (something she's surprisingly good at) when the fun stopped and the pain started.

Waaaaah Waaaah I want a huggie! she screamed .

First, let's inspect the damage

  1. skinned knee
  2. skinned left palm
  3. skinned right palm

I didn't observe it but it's my guess she was running on our uneven sidewalk when she fell and did the "Superman" through the air and then fell using her hands to break the fall.

The screaming didn't last long and with some TLC and a few hugs were were back in business.

That said, we've already had to have a complete new set of bandages because the other ones fell off because she picks at them and can't leave them alone. So one more round of unneeded bandaid changes and she was off to bed and here I am writing this small little post tonight.

She's allergic to regular bandaids like you see and so she needs latex-free bandaids due to a latex allergy. It's not like she will rub against a balloon and explode, but she just can't wear regular bandages.

She also will not go to bed tonight even though she's exhausted. She's been farting around up there and coming out with every excuse possible on why she needs water, or a hug, or God knows what else. She just needs to go to bed. Heck, BW is already in bed and I would be if I didn't have to stop writing to go fight a fire or some stuffed animal emergency.

Also, I just pulled a crayon out of the dog's mouth. I'm pretty sure she's not supposed to eat those.

We will find out I guess. 🐾

September 2024 Income Report

You guys! I made ten bucks this month with my Amazon earnings. I'm rich!

I'm still operating a loss here

It costs me $11 a month to host this so I have almost broken even. I'm hoping for a better October but I guess we shall see. 😄

Until next time,

Th and Co.

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