Can Do Dad

Alternate Title: Go Get Your Old Man a Coke

Can Do Dad
Photo by Ayesha Ch / Unsplash

I don't drink, and that's a shame

Because finally, finally she's big and independent enough to do some stuff on her own and I have to tell you - it's awesome. I want to celebrate.

I also want her to go in to the fridge and get her old man a Coke.

She's already feeding the dog. The dog might be starving to death because I have witnessed some of the feedings and they are a little light on the scoop size but she's doing it on the regular and every day after school she has to feed the dog it's her job.

She can dress herself and now that I have made a game of it - pick up her dirty clothes off the floor.

And then there's the overall usefulness of sending somebody else to do something for you. It's usually little things like go find dad some tape from our junk drawer but she knows where it is and can go get it and bring it.

There's downsides to this as well. She has to be in the mood to listen.

Listening is hard at our house and some days like this morning distractions rule and it took way to long for putting on a bathing suit. The tears (mine) were due to a little girl wanting to do it herself and a Dad that had never put on a bathing suit where the straps at the back. It all looks like a jumbled bag of spaghetti. I have enough trouble with sleeves. (and lately: waistlines). Finally, BW came and rescued the both of us from a big teary mess of bathing suit and arms.,

When it works it is glorious, but when it doesn't there's tears. Lots of tears. I have never seen so many tears. She got so upset at a drop of a hat today and wanted hugs constantly. I think she was just really tired due to the time change last night.

But she's becoming useful and puts her dinnerplate on the counter after dinner. Socks go on by herself, and clothing is easier than that stupid swimming suit are no problem for her. She's a fan lately of wearing a sweater with a t-shirt on top. I don't know if that's a fashion thing for girls her age or not.

Most impressive is she can put her braces on by herself and usually without complaint or issue.

She bathed herself for the most part tonight. BW helped with the soaping and water temp but otherwise she gets herself into the tub and out and will put on her PJ's and brush her teeth when asked.

Then she's off to bed after a book or something else quiet and then she's out cold for another day.

All this to say, she's getting there and dare I jinx it? Easier?

Now I can relax and have a drink.

I'm liking this - except for the spaghetti straps on swimsuits.