Hello Spring. Goodbye Winter
She's being a little overoptimistic. In the meantime, we can dream

I opened up her backpack from after school today and found an assortment of papers and homework but the one above caught my eye. Even my six-year-old is sick of winter 24/25.
I don't know about you guys but every person I talk to says the same thing: They just want it to end.
If you compare today vs a year ago, it was much nicer this time last year. The child had short sleeves on!

Granted, the park was a little damp but at least we got a taste of some nice weather for just one day.
I think that's what's needed - just a taste of nice weather. We're beyond sick of this cold and gray winter and would love for just one day of a reprieve where we could open the windows to air out the house a bit and get the kids outside to play.
I also found a few other items today:

Then we have my favorite for the day:

I'm guessing this was a list made sometime in the past and not today. I am not sure when it was made but it's an itinerary for her regardless:
- Play
- Lunch
- Nap
- Snack
- Dinner
- Go To Bed
And now that I've typed this all out I have to say I can really go for numbers 3 and 4 and if the weather finally cooperates maybe she can do no. 1 outside instead because parents across the world are so sick of hearing "I'm bored" this time of year.
Hang in there folks. Spring is almost around the corner.
She said so. Winter is done. I have proof.