Homework Time

It's been a while since I have had to do homework.

Homework Time
Photo by Laura Rivera / Unsplash

Today was all about missions:

I'm on a mission to get 200 rides under my belt with Uber by the weekend so I can snatch a bonus.

The child is on a mission to turn the house into the biggest shitstorm possible:

she was looking for all her paw patrol toys. I'm just trying to find the floor

BW's mission was...I dunno. Probably something to do with email.

All of the above are not the big mission we all had to do together and that was homework!

I'm not so sure I am liking her school anymore. They sent her home with homework for us to teach her. I thought the whole idea of school was that somebody else would teach her at the school where she goes to learn for 6+ hoursa a day.

But nope, we have homework. All 3 of us.

We have to go find leaves and mark them off a list as we find them. Then when she returns to school on Monday, she is going to read a book with her class about finding leaves and then have a show and tell. Sounds easy enough right?

After more than a few false starts this morning, we finally managed to get out the door and to the trail where we could search for the leaves. It's been unseasonably warm here so we were not sure how many leaves we would find but we did seem to find quite a lot actually.

It's like trick or treat, but for leaves.

I do have one issue. I don't think the leaf hunting sheet we were given is tailored to our area because there were a few leaves that we had no hope in hell in finding. I hope this doesn't hold her back a year. Also, you try convincing a 5-year-old that the red leaf she is holding is the same as the green leaf on the handout. This was not planned too well if you ask me.

But we were troopers. We walked to that park searching for leaves like it was our last supper, but I think there's a few we don't have. We tried but I don't think this project is coming back with an A grade. It's okay, as I'm more of a C+ guy anyway.

Forget the leaves, they made a bench! OMG

The highlight of our trip was not the leaves, but somebody - I would assume in the parks department made these little benches out of logs and she was thrilled and had to sit in all of them. Heck, not only did she have to sit in them, we all had to sit in them:

selfie time!

At the end of the walk is a bit of small bridge for the fishermen/persons to fish from so of course we had to go there and look at all the fish. They were small but we counted about six of them.

Here fishie fishie..

Then it happened. She got tired. Real Tired.

This makes sense and by this time you would think we would learn but nope. I thought we had it covered. She peed before we went, and I brought a drink but I didn't figure in the tired factor.

This breaking of arms takes its toll on a 5-year old's body and so it makes sense that playing with her toys all morning and a mile walk and she is toast. done. kaput.

Thankfully, the meltdown was rather minimal compared to others we have had and with a few distractions on my part we managed to get her to forget about being tired and we managed to get her into the car where she perked up a bit.

Once home she had a bath, an early dinner and we had her in bed by 6pm.

I don't know about you, but I would call that a win.

Lastly, I managed to get the lawn furniture put away for the season and there's still room in the shed for more crap. Double win!

Until next time,

TH and Co.

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