Joe Who?

Tonight I taught my daughter about Canadian Junk Food.

Joe Who?
Photo by Alexander Grey / Unsplash

I blame my mother-in-law for this.

Back in the day when I was delivering for Amazon and BW was away on work the child convinced her that after PJ's but before bed - there should be a snack. I can't believe she fell for it, because she's smarter than that but she did and now at our house every night before the hugs and the kisses and the general bedtime stalling there has to be: the snack.

The snack has evolved over the years but right now it consists of a bit of fruit (tonight it was some apple slices) or some other relatively healthy option. Nice try but you're not getting 2 desserts out of me.

In addition to the snack habit we've also added another where we watch youtube for about 10 minutes or so because hey: at this point does it ever seem she will ever go to bed?

We watch How it's Made. If you needed to know how every item you could ever think of is made - feel free to ask because I am sure I have watched them all. From ketchup to footballs, I am your man. Fun fact: the stripes on a basketball are hand painted.

These How it's Made episodes are great because they are quasi-educational and also they are only 5 minutes long so we watch 2 and that's about 10 minutes and then off we start to go to bed. The actual sleeping happens much later but at least we are herded upstairs.

Tonight, it was pastries. They were showing how cookies and jelly rolls were made and then came the episode of cream filled chocolate cakes. "Oh, They are making Jos Louis", I said.

"What the heck is that?" asked BW.

"It's a Jos Louis" I replied:

Jos Louis - Wikipedia

Then I had to show her what the heck this was all about and that they're little cakes with cream inside with a chocolate candy covering. The short form description would be that these are bad for you.

Fun fact: robots bake the cakes, and then slice them so there's top and bottom and then the robot adds the cream and then puts the tops back on. Who knew?

I grew up with Jos Louis. With very little adult supervision in my teen years I think I lived on these with a chocolate milk to wash it all down. Because the chocolate cake wasn't enough, I needed more chocolate in drink form. Oh, the good old days when my metabolism was high and adult supervision was low. Sigh.

Then of course we didn't stop there with our Canadian cake history tour:

Don't forget about the Passion Flakie

For those cold Canadian winters

I'm sure there are others that Vachon makes as well but those are the two that stuck out for me. Maybe next time we're in Canada we will have to see if we can get a Jos Louis.

You know, for old time's sake.

Until next time,

TH and Co.