Little Dots

It's the little things that you miss the most

Little Dots
Photo by Victor Dementiev on Unsplash

Once again, I had 4 year old at my side at the ungodly hour of 6:30 very excited to share some news:  She got new socks! The Amazon Man Brought them!

“Oh my gosh. Dad, look at these and these and these! There’s different colors!” So much excitement over socks.

But she did have a complaint: There were no dots!

You know, those little rubber grip dots that they put on the bottom of socks so the kiddos don’t slip and fall. I screwed up apparently.

To be honest,  I didn’t spend a whole lot of time shopping for these and did not notice the lack of dots at all. I fired up the Amazon app and searched for “girls socks for five year olds” and up these came:

these should do. Or so I thought.

They were a little over six bucks for 12 pair. That’s 25 cents per sock and considering how they get lost,or eaten by the dog that’s not a horrible price. I bet a lot of the last sock purchase - rubber dots and all  - have been either in, or through the dog. How the dog is still alive is beyond me but that’s a story for another day.

The sock crisis was short-lived and after a few test runs of them in the kitchen and “they’re slippery” comments we were out the door for another day.

“ I have to show my teacher my new socks” she told me as we were getting into the car.

Yes, you do.

There’s no better feeling than a new pair of socks. Even if they don’t have dots.