On Old Photos
We were all so young and beautiful.
We've spent the snowy weekend playing with our new toy.
New TV? No. Computer? No. Puppy? Oh God no.
We bought a Photo scanner so we can forever remember how nerdy we looked earlier in life:

This has been on my to-do list as one of the last things to do in regards to my deceased father: sort through and scan his photos and above is one of the gems I found.
All total he had about 500 to scan which only took me a few hours
The problem is? What the heck do you do with them once you scanned them? I'm a bit OCD about losing photos so I have them saved to all the clouds and then some. I really don't need to keep the originals.
But what about the original photos? Do you keep them? It seems silly now as I now have them all digitally preserved six ways until Sunday. But somehow, I can't seem to toss them. I am not talking about a lot of photos here. It's a shoebox so I figure one day the child will find them in the basement and wonder who the heck the guy above was?
Some photos are of course a flashback and I am glad he kept. Others? Not so much.

There's a few photos I am glad he kept.
I was just starting my photojournalism program and we went to Black's camera and he bought me a brand new Nikon F8008 SLR camera and probably a crappy zoom lens - didn't matter, I had pro gear. It was over $1000 way back then.
We then went that weekend to a transport truck race. I forget how/why we thought this would be a good idea but off we went. And it turned out that I grabbed a few good photos:

One of the photos was of a truck crashing through a wall and so I called the local weekly paper in the small town where the racetrack was and they ran the photo on the front page. I was a published photojournalist even before I started school.
Of course, the front page is long gone and so is the photo to match but I think this is why I take so many photos of the child. I want to remember and she grows up so fast it's easy to forget the little moments:

So yeah. I'm keeping the box. Maybe she will want it and maybe she will not, but that can be her decision when the time comes.
Besides, when she's older I can bring out the box and show her how cool her old man was.

The photos I kept. The hair I lost.
RIP Dad. 🚌