Play Doh and Pizza

For a sick child we have done a lot of activities today.

Play Doh and Pizza
Photo by Nik Owens / Unsplash


"Wake up Dad"

I open my one good eye and give her the stink eye and tell her to go back to bed. It's not even 6am.

She wants a hug. I get up and hug and tuck.

I go back to bed and then 20 minutes it happens again!

This time I surrender and let her crawl in to bed with me. Maybe I can get another 20 minutes (spoiler: I don't)

I tried to get her to go down and watch cartoons on the tablet, but there were tears about how she doesn't like her new tablet because it's blue and she wants her old tablet back. I tell her that's not happening and she has to "suffer" and deal with the new tablet, my entitled child.

She's in bef talking like she's not sick at all (she still is a tad) and that I should get up and play with her. I'm thinking coffee and she's thinking my little pony.

OK, OK - I am getting up. If you've ever spent any time in bed with a child you know that you never get any sleep and just get kicked a lot anyway so I may as well get up.

We go downstairs and after I get my coffee she realizes she has a brand new My Little Pony still in the box from Christmas. This, folks - is when you know the kid got too much stuff.

New my little pony gets unwrapped and then she's getting the jewels for the crown and combing the hair and then she tells me that she's all about my little ponies now (told ya so) and that she doesn't want all her paw patrol stuff (for the most part - there were a few we decided to keep)

OKAY-THEN! I get right up and pull every little paw patrol item and put them all in little baggies. While I am at it, I might as well um..edit the toy box. I did ask her about every item if she wanted it still and I did not throw out anything that she wanted but there were a few things in there for when she was an infant and she no longer played with or wanted. Goodbye Paw Patrol!

BW posted them on the facebooks and they were picked up in no time. It seemed a shame to toss them.

I then looked at the clock: 8:00 am

Are you effing kidding me? I have been awake for so long and have her entire toy box and play area organized and now you tell me that I still have the entire day still in front of me and it's not even 9am? Hoo Boy.

This is a lot better. I could not get the top to close before the purge.

After my 2nd coffee I found the child and we then started one of many activities:

We have painted and play-dohed and played with slime and god knows what else.

My fvorite was when we played pizzeria. She was the pizza maker and I ordered. So I ordered a large pepperoni pizza and then she comes to the door and hands me this:

then I opened the box and was greeted with this:

This is just like the pizzas I order in real life! They get smaller and smaller every year but cost more and more. They skimp on the toppings and when it arrives it's cold. Lastly, it's $40 and up now for a medium pie.

So. Yeah. Play Doh Pizza.

We also made green slime and painted and painted and painted. There's been lots of painting happening today, but somewhere in there I managed to sneak in a half an hour nap while she was watching the tablet she didn't want anything to do with this morning.

By the time dinnertime arrived she was pretty much beat. She was warmish to the touch all day and the last time I checked she was 94 degrees, so just a tad warmer than she should be.

Hopefully tomorrow she will feel better. (and sleep in a bit, please)