Queen for a Day

It's not the call from the School I was expecting.

Queen for a Day
Photo by Ashton Mullins / Unsplash
She was the chosen one.

It was about 1pm when the phone rang. I never get phone calls so this was not a call I was expecting. I almost let it go to voicemail as I didn't recognize the number and scammers suck.

But, against better judgement I did answer.


"Hi, It's Principal A. from (the child's) elementary school.


"Yes, this is just to warn you that she was chosen to be the 2024 Food Drive VIP for the school and she will be going to the grocery store to help with shopping for the food drive"

Oh. Whew. I thought the worse of course because why else would the school call?

So, today our little shopper (that's my girl!) was one of the chosen ones to go to the grocery store and pick out some food for those of us that are less fortunate for the csh

At dinner I asked her how it went and she told me that they paired the kindergarten kids with the seniors from high school, which is a great idea. That way the teacher/poor sucker who got stuck with this didn't have to herd a bunch of five year olds on their own.

"My High Schooler was Vera", she told me at dinner.

I asked if she had a good time and she did, but she's more excited about the next 5 days of no school than anything that happened at school today.

Tomorrow, we continue the theme of do-gooding by going shopping for a toy to donate for Toys for Tots. I told her she's a lucky little girl, but a lot of little ones are not so we get a toy (or two) for them so they have something to open x-mas day.

Everybody helps each other. That's the lesson of the day. I hope it sunk in.

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