Reading, Writing and Arithmetic

She can write. Nobody said it had to be readable.

Reading, Writing and Arithmetic
Photo by Joshua Hoehne / Unsplash
It's a story about a Pig. And a Chicken.

She's written her first book. It's about a pig. And a chicken. I think.

It's written in code. It can only be read by the 5 year old author.

As you can see from the example above, this is pretty hard to read. In fact reading this feels like getting my eye test:

"Can you read this?"


I think I might make out the word happy. Maybe there's a pig word in there, I dunno. And what's with the guy? Is he a farmer? The Amazon Man?

BUT, if you ask her what it says she will tell you the story. It's the same story as she has told it to me many times over the past 24 hours so I know she's reading the words but I have not the faintest idea what those words might be.

This morning, while we waited for the School Bus she had me go get the book and read it, so she's very proud of it and thinks it's well written. Which it might be, but

I dressed her. Can you tell?

I have NO IDEA what it says. None.

and as well all know:

Math is hard (to read)