Six to Six

The times, they are a changing

Six to Six
Photo by Ocean Ng / Unsplash

I'm not talking about daylight savings time. What I am talking about is her new and improved schedule that seems to be working for all parties a lot better.

I call it sanity savings time.

For whatever reason we have slowly managed to get her to go to bed relatively early and with a bit of luck I can have her out cold by 7pm. I'm calling that a win.

There's a flipside to all this awesome quiet time in the evening though:

I call it 6am.

"Hey Dad!", "Wake up, It's 5:54am"

Dad does not like to wake up at 5:54 am.

I tell her she can crawl in with me but she has to sleep until 6:30am (which is still much too early).

She then wriggles and bumps around under the covers doing god knows what and then it's "Hey Dad, it's 5:58am)

I tell her it's not 6:30 am yet. She starts whining. I keep negotiating for some more time in Bed.

I tell her 6:25.

She says 6:00 am

I say 6:15 am

She says 6am

Sigh. Okay, she wins. I am an excellent negotiator, BTW.

There's a problem to this 12 hour day. It's a long day and by the time we're done dinner she's toast and wants to go up and go to bed. This is great! Until it's not.

This "not" usually happens on a Wednesday or even a Thursday and, well...Friday we just cross our fingers and pray at this point.

Tonight was Wednesday. Things went okay-ish, but there were tears and pushback for every little thing.

I tell her to have a bath: Tears.

I tell her to brush her teeth: Tears

I tell her we're done horsing around and now it's time to close your eyes and tell me in the morning what happened. You got it - tears.

Last week I thought I had cracked the DaVinci Code with this new 6 to 6 shift but now that the new schedule smell has worn off I fear things are not smooth sailing as I had thought...

But, I have to tell you I do like these early bedtimes because it gives me more time when I am still awake to allow me to write here and I know all 23 of you are thrilled. :)

I know you wouldn't want to miss a thing.

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