The Birthday Girl

A story about a birthday. And Avocados

The Birthday Girl
Photo by Shamblen Studios / Unsplash

She was so excited. We have made more 'cards' and gifts made from old Amazon boxes than I care to share (and trip over) this week.

believe it or not, this is a gift
The neighborhood needed to know it's mommy's birthday

And today the day finally came: Mommy's Birthday is here!

Due to some family from Argentina here to celebrate, I ended up on the downstairs couch as that's how the sleeping arrangements worked out best. It wasn't the original plan but so it goes.

Early in the morning the child came into our room only to find a relative in my spot and not me. Then I heard the little pitter patter of feet upstairs coming to get me. She bounded down the stairs with the two little gifts I picked out for her to give mommy and then we went to wake up mommy. We are so ready for this birthday to begin. Let's go Dad!

"Happy Birthday Mommy". She helped mommy unwrap her gifts and then she decided where in the house these would go . It was almost like her birthday as she commandeered the gifts anyway.

Oh, here's the gifts:

I picked these because I knew both of them would love them.

It was busy morning, but it was still a school day so we still had to keep an eye on the time so we wouldn't miss the bus but with the added excitement about the birds and mommy's birthday and all the extra people in the house. Somehow we made it in time for the bus. We have not missed it yet.

The rest of the day was a blur of even more plumbing problems which I won't go into to today and will save it for another post.

Mommy came home from work mid afternoon and had a nice time with family on the back deck in the unseasonably warm temperatures we are having. We grilled on the grill and of course, afterwards there was cake. We were a little light on the candles this evening but we found a few in my mother in laws's purse of all places. I didn't ask any further questions.

Happy Birthday was sung, wishes were made and the candles were blown out. We had 2 cakes with one each of chocolate and vanilla. I call that a win! (also, fattening)

To end the night mommy went out with the girls to throw axes and drink beer. It sounds like a bad mix of activities if you ask me ...but then I don't drink and sober axe throwing doesn't sound interesting. Also, it's not my birthday today and nobody asked me so I should just quit while I am ahead here.

Oh! I almost forgot: I bought mommy a bouquet:

I'm so thoughtful sometimes it hurts.

Lastly, We tried on our Halloween costume that came today and we are good for 2024.

It fits! We are so ready. Bring it on Halloween 2024.

Happy Birthday BW (29 again!)

We hope you had a good day. xoxo

Until next time,

TH and Co.

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