Those Leprechauns

They are sneaky. Over and Over and Over again.

Those Leprechauns
Photo by kiki Wang on Unsplash

It's Day 6 of 17 of leprechaun month here and I am still creating a new "thing" that they do every night, but never ever seem to get caught. This trap we made is kind of useless so far if you ask me.

It's really hard to come up with some trouble that the leprechauns do every night.

Tonight, I am going with 3 glasses of water and some snacks for the party they had.

Green water. Of course.

This is actually trickier than I thought because: dog.

Due to logistics, the little green buggers do their business on the floor next to the trap we made. The problem is that if it's on the floor then it's fair game for the dog. Tonight, I wised up and pre-made the thing they are going to do but some nights I have been winging it with just one eye open.

A few nights ago they got really loud and I had to tell them to keep it down:

In the air tonight

They set up an entire drum kit and even a trumpet! It was like having Phil Collins in the house with all the noise. Su-Su-Sudio!

Then one night there was bowling - with oranges! Leprechauns are small and so regular bowling balls are too big but little baby oranges are just the right size. Did you know they use paper towel rolls for pins? me either.

And another night they got her balance beam out and lined up all our shoes on it, and then they left the mess right in our living room!

Yes, this is a pain in the ass

Yes, I started it.

Yes, she thinks it's the best thing ever

Yes, I will continue.

Yes, I will be glad when it's St. Patrick's Day.

10 days to go!

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