You had one job

My new occupation is dishwasher.

You had one job
Photo by Marcel Strauß / Unsplash | Samsung: The North Korean Word for Crap

Water and I are having some issues. Specifically, the water in the dishwasher that's not draining out. I had written earlier that I was getting notifications from my dishwasher. In a perfect world I would get 2 notifications: one when it started and one when it was done.

Until today

Today the dishwasher sent me a new one:

You're screwed

I had just got home from a busy morning. Not super busy but I ran some errands and I was back in time to do something that didn't involve water or playing 'pretend' as the child would still be in school for another hour.

That is, until the text message arrived.

In the past, with our old dishwashers the drain might get plugged aned with the shop-vac and 10 minutes we were back in business. Not so with this technical wonder.

After trying the obvious I realized that this might be under warranty still. After figuring out where we bought it from, and who exactly bought it I managed to determine that this thing should be under warranty.

I visited and found my product where I dutifully filled in my model number and serial number. Then I get an email saying that my warranty appeal is in review? Appeal? I'm not appealing. There is nothing to appeal. This this has a 12 month warranty and it's still valid so come and fix the stupid thing!

My appeal is pending. I should get an update soon.

I then try chat with an agent which is really South Korean for waste your time. After waiting for 5 minutes for each response the solution I received was just the copy/paste answer about waiting and trying again later after the washer dries up. You had me wait an hour for that?

I gave up and just washed tonight's dishes by hand.

Tomorrow I will try calling Samsung Support and see if I have any better luck. I'm not counting on it.

I'm so over all these problems with water.

I suppose it could be worse. I could be on the lookout for a hurricane

Stay safe out there!

TH and Co.

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