A Story about Colors and Couture

Today's Lesson: If you listen to Dad good things happen. If not...well...

A Story about Colors and Couture
Photo by Vladimir Carrer / Unsplash

It's been a few days since our great weekend of breaking all the rules and boy are we all hung over. We are both too old and too young at the same time for this. Bedtime cannot come soon enough for all of us tonight.

We just can't seem to get back on our A game. We're all tired, exhausted or hung over. We have stayed up too late, eaten too much junk food and sweets and now we're paying for it. We are not McLovin' it.

I am hoping tonight that we will all get a good night's sleep and a full reset with happier demeanor as a result.

Tonight's episode is brought to you by Crayola. We opened new crayons tonight which is always a good thing here as we are in full coloring mode here. If there's some lines in the house they must be colored in. Under normal circumstances, this would be okay but she still has one arm that fully functions...so we're still a little limited in our coloring.

We're also having a bit of a problem of listening. It's like having a teenager in the house. All the instructions get ignored and it's driving us crazy. So, tonight she got a taste of the results of not listening.

She had a bath, and I laid out her pajamas for her to put on. She protested of course and wanted to wear the brand new pair of pajamas. I said no, she can wear last night's as they are fine and we don't need a new pair of PJ's every night.

The deal was if she put on her PJ's and came down we would look through the new highlights magazine she got in the mail. Sounds easy, yes?

She came down all proud of herself. She did have PJ's on, but not the ones she was told to put on - but the new ones. Essentially I got ignored and she did her own thing. If a five-year old can flip you the bird - consider me flipped.

She came down so proud and was ready to read her magazine but she wasn't expecting my reaction: I told her she didn't listen and now we won't be able to read the magazine because she didn't listen to me.

Cue the tears. I gotta tell you folks and BW will attest to this: I am the world's biggest sucker for those tears. But tonight I was strong and held my own and repeated the deal. Put on the PJ's I asked you to and we can read the magazine. And wonder of wonders, she went back upstairs and put on the right PJ's as instructed. You never know what you're gonna get

It's relatively early here and bedtime was a breeze as she was SO exhausted she didn't even want to be read a bedtime story. I sat with her for a minute and then closed the door behind me and I haven't heard a peep since.

Tonight's Lesson: Listen to your Old Man.

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