A Trip to the Dentist

That time we almost made it to the Dentist

A Trip to the Dentist
Photo by Enis Yavuz / Unsplash

Okay. We were doing the regular bed bath routine last night and it dawned on me that while she was brushing her teeth that she hasn't been to the dentist in a while.

Huh. I counted on my fingers: The last time she went to the Dentist was the same day as the solar eclipse so that would have been early April. Now, it's early October. She's due for a checkup.

This morning, I get on the horn and the receptionist tells me they have an appointment for today at 4:00pm. Perfect. This will work out great. She's out of school at 3:05, it's a 25-minute drive across town and we're good.

I call the school, let them know that I will pick her up and not to send her home on the bus. She's waiting and she doesn't even get too upset when I tell her she's going to the Dentist.

So far, she's just had the cleanings and teeth counting and maybe a fluoride treatment if she'll stop wiggling for 2 seconds. You would think they were going to pull them all out with all the drama but eventually we get the stuff on her teeth.

We get to the Dentists, she's in a good mood and very excited about the stickers. With a bit of luck and a few tears we should be out of here in 20 minutes, tops.

Until. I we get there, and I am told the appointment is for tomorrow and not today.

What do you do with a child that was looking forward t going to the dentist? And now she can't go? Are you effing kidding me? I have to do this all over tomorrow.

Yes. The answer is yes, I do get to do this all over again tomorrow.

I swear she said the appointment was today.

I managed to avoid the fussing by handing her my phone so she could watch YouTube Kids. That kept her happy for the trip home and then she was great for the rest of the evening.

Apparently, today is artwork day here. First, she's always coloring but today's effort looks well, lovely:

all you need is love. and a water stain.

and if that wasn't enough artwork for you BW went to an art class tonight and came home with this art:

Pumpkin Art?

And where's my art you ask? You're reading it.

Keep Smiling,

TH and Co.