Breaking all the Rules with Dad

What happens on the island, stays on the island

Breaking all the Rules with Dad
Photo by Mark Duffel / Unsplash

Mommy is away for the weekend. This is all we did the first day that she was away.

  1. Pancakes for breakfast
  2. Too much tablet time
  3. Too much TV time
  4. Have friendS knock on the door and come in and paint on huge piece of paper that’s glue to the kitchen wall.
  5. Make huge mess in kitchen
Just another mess on the wall.
  1. Go to McDonalds for lunch. Eat 6 McNuggets, all my fries and wash it down with milk
  2. Go to Dollar Tree to buy more paint so when friends come over we have more paint to throw on wall
  3. Convince dad to buy me a salamander squishy toy (he’s such a sucker)
  4. Go to Tops and buy Panda Paw Ice cream for dessert
  5. Come home and watch Dad clean up the paint we left everywhere while I watch more shows on my tablet.
  6. Have Dad’s Hot Chicken for dinner. Dad says I have to eat all my brussel sprouts or no ice cream
  7. Eat all brussels sprouts.
  8. Ice cream for dessert
  9. Watch more shows
  10. Getting tired…can’t stay awake
  11. Get second wind and help Dad sort laundry. Dad said something about having to resold it all but I didn’t listen.
  12. Put on PJ’s and brush teeth
  13. Dad read me a story about Dinosaur jokes.
  14. Make Dad go downstairs and get me an ice pack. Dad got wrong ice pack so he had to go down and get the bigger one. You would think he would learn by now.
  15. Ask Dad to lie with me for a bit he does
  16. Dad says I can listen to my shows on my Alexa.
  17. So….tired. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
This was the best day ever.

Keep breaking rules,

Tidy Husband and Co.

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