Cookies are Ready
Hope You're Hungry Santa.
OMG you guys. The things they didn't tell you about when you have a kid.
They have a holiday break. You know who doesn't have a break? Parents.
I don't why they don't have school right until the bitter end. It's not fair. The teachers are home living their best life while we have to take care of our own children. The nerve. 🙄
Today is day 2 of what - 10 days at home? I don't think I will make it.
Thankfully we had a few cookies to make/decorate today:
That was just one thing we did today.
Between BW and I we have done:
- Laundry. There's always laundry.
- Looked at photos of when she was younger on the tablet
- Painted artwork. Cleaned up after painting
- Played tea party. Cleaned up the tea party
- Played "let's pretend I am a cat". I'm still not sure what this is all about.
- Read books. Put books away
- Played on tablet because, of course.
I even managed to squeeze a nap in while she was on the tablet today and I'm still tired. :)
This kid has too much energy.
Thankfully she's off to her old daycare tomorrow because, holy.
And then just when you think you can't pick up another ball or crayon or tea party set you find this while cleaning up after she's in bed:
And just like that, it's all worth it.
3 more sleeps!