Double the Fun
Imagine....two of them?
I have been home today for the most part because I don't like to hit other cars with my car in snowstorms - so it's safer at home.
This isn't all bad because now the house is cleaner than when the day started and I got to spend some quality time with the daughter again after school.
I remember when after-school consisted of a house key and after-school TV and trying not to burn the house down before your parents got home from work.
But now, having an older underemployed parent home means that there's always a parent to meet the child at the bus and bring them in and get the coat off/hung up etc.
Take today for instance: I have been on duty since 3:48pm when that bus door opened and my little charge popped out:

Of course, she wanted to go out and play in the snow, so we got her into her snow pants, boots, coat and mittens that are too big and don't stay on - and out we went!
I shoveled. She made snow angels. All this "out in the snow" is really just a ploy so she can have hot cocoa when she comes in.h. Regardless, it was good for her to get outside with the some fresh air.
I'm done, right?
Now we play games! I guess this is what happens when you're not allowed to watch the tablet and you're almost six - you play board games!
We played Candyland!

Did you know that not only the box for the game has the ages it's appropriate for, but also an estimate of how long you will play.?The box said a game would takeabout 15 minutes which was about right.
The rest of the evening was uneventful with dinner and dessert. We went healthy with oranges for dessert and we played the "whatever you do - don't eat my oranges" game.
She ate the oranges when I wasn't looking. Sneaky kid.

Then she played downstairs for a bit on her own accord with play-doh which was nice and allowed me ten minutes
But then it was bedtime, and I told her to get ready for bed and put her PJ's on and then we could have a bit of fun. She did not put on her PJ's
She put on makeup instead:

Then instead of putting on PJ's when asked again she decided to ignore me and dress up her stuffed animal in a pair of PJ's instead.
When she came downstairs with it all dressed up, I joked that the stuffy must be her because the PJ's were on the doll and not the person.
We could call the doll "child one" and the real child "child two".

I don't think she liked the idea of two of her because when we went back upstairs she told me she didn't want to have two of her and promptly undressed the toy and told me it was just a stuffed animal again and we should play something else.
Don't worry pumpkin - you'll always be my only one. ❤️