Flu Season
A story about almost dodging the flu this year.
We saw this coming.
Besides her beautiful artwork:

she brought home a few other things we could do without.
The first was a warning all week that as per the school guidelines that somebody in her class was exposed to the flu. The paper then went on to explain what the flu is, how to deal with it, etc.
"We're good" we said. We have our flu shot. All of us. We have nothing to worry about.
Monday - no flu
Tuesday - no flu
Wed - no flu
Thursday - flu
We have a lot to worry about.
I am pretty sure when we realized what was happening that BW might have said another word that starts with the letter F.
We have had the flu before. It's no fun
This came out of nowhere. One minute she came home and was her usual happy self and then the next minute I was downstairs and BW was working upstairs on her laptop when we realized we hadn't heard from the child in a bit and there was not the usual noises associated with kids.
We found her in her bed. She had put herself to bed and lo and behold she had a fever.
She came downstairs at dinner and I fed her a light dinner and she drank a lot of OJ because you need liquids when you're sick. She took her Tylenol without a fuss and went back to bed. I had to go in for a bit to get her to sleep and I haven't heard a peep since.
I'm writing tonight from the kitchen table as I want to keep an ear out in case. I also plan on going to bed as soon as I hit publish here because I have no idea how the night or tomorrow will bring.
Please, don't let anyone else get the flu.
This is your PSA to get the flu shot. It's not too late. Flu season is still here.
Get the vaccine while you can.
Nobody wants the flu. Especially a six year old girl that will miss her first valentines day at school ever. She was so excited today that she had 2 backpacks on this morning. One regular one for books, and one for all the valentines cards she was set to hand out tomorrow. I feel so bad for her that she will be missing out on the fun.

But not to worry little one. We will make our own party here if you're feeling up to it.
Wish us luck.