Frazzled and Bedazzled

She stayed home from school today and we felt it.

Frazzled and Bedazzled
Photo by Church of the King / Unsplash

The alarm went off at 6am and there was no effing way I was getting out of it to drive strangers around in the rain. BW actually let me sleep to 9am which I rarely do but after yesterday I was exhausted and I didn't get to bed until well after midnight

A reenactment of yesterday featuring Peppa Pig

At 8am I remember her coming into my room and asking that I wake up and then some tears about not being able to go to school. I think she's the only kid I know who wants to go to school.

Despite the title above we didn't really have that bad a day. She's not really in that much pain and we keep her on the motrin/tylenol regimen too so at least she's comfortable. She and mommy went out to get some more medicine and then hit th dollar store and came back with a bunch of stuff so that we could bedazzle the splint!

One cannot have a plain splint after all. What would her friends think?

too cool for school
one can't have enough bling.

After lunch, we told her she had to go have a nap and low and behold, she did! It was only for about an hour, but she needed it and her little body needed it too as she fell and shocked it yesterday.

She actually had a pretty good day. In the afternoon after bedazzling the sling they made cupcakes and about an hour later 3 of her friends from up the street came over and gave her handmade get well soon cards. She had a grin ear to ear. I think she loves all the attention.

She's so looking forward to going to school tomorrow and showing off her sling.

While she was blinging and baking I was the king of forms and appointments. We had to get a form for the school from her doctor so that she can get some Tylenol at school and then I had to make an appointment for the Ortho to check her out in 2 weeks time. And she also has a letter excusing her from physical education as they call it there (we called it gym)

What sucks - besides the fact that she only has one good arm is that she was just starting to take up coloring which was great because we could get a good hour out of her just being quiet and more importantly - she loves to color. Maybe she's going be an artist. We've already pretty sure figured she won't be a singer, that's for sure.

The day was also filled with excitement (mine) as the basement renovations began. Surprisingly, the disruption was minimal; the contractor worked quietly, and the use of saws was limited. He managed to replace the drywall, and he's scheduled to return next week to complete the job.

I'm close to getting back to my man cave! I haven't had a place to hide from my family for weeks! 😄

Stay Safe!

TH and Co.

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