Funny about Money
Today's Lesson: Five bucks doesn't go far.
For Valentines day the little one received a card in the mail from her grandmother and inside the card was five crisp new one dollar bills.
We called Abuela and thanked her and she suggested we go out and get a donut or something but the child (not so little any more) decided she wanted a "thing" with her five bucks so I fire up Amazon on the phone and we go shopping.
There's not a lot of things you can buy for five bucks on Amazon. A lot of the stuff seems to be priced about 10 bucks and up so it was hard to find something under five dollars. I tried to tell her that she cannot have anything and it has to be under five dollars.
We searched for a bit and a lot of the stuff was more than five bucks. There were a few 7 dollar items I was going to let slide, but it turned out I didn't have to as she found something for five dollars:

She decided on a LOL Surprise Mermaids Baby Sisters with Color Change Tail that you see above. I had no idea that these existed or what they do - but she did and was excited to get it, so that's all that matters.
Remember those old Leggs Nylon Eggs your mom would always have? Fast forward to 2025 and take the egg and add some crappy toy made in China and voila! You've got what every six year old girl wants.
She was so excited to get this. When the doorbell chimed that someone was at the door she was so excited to open the door and rip open the package.
It was her first Amazon order. I am so proud of her 🙄
This toy has surprisingly been not a horrible deal. There's already been a few hours of playtime with it today so it's already paid for itself. The one downside is the water thing. You see, the tail on this mermaid changes color if you put the tail in water. Want to know what is dangerous thing? An unsupervised 6 year old with a bunch of water. You know it's bad when you her the clinking and splashing in the bathroom.
Today I learned about LOL Dolls. Of course, this is just one of a set and then before you know it we will have 18 of them with backpacks and houses and cars and a college fund set up for them all.
Then she will be on to something else. But for today: It's all about the dolls.
An update on the flu status from yesterday:
She will survive. She has a mild fever when the Tylenol runs out and she had a 2 hour nap for me today so that helps. It might take a day or two but thanks to the vaccine and a bit of luck it looks like we will survive the flu scare of 2025.