I Can't Find It

On losing your mind over losing your stuff.

I Can't Find It
Photo by Tim Mossholder / Unsplash

Look around.

No, wait. Don't move a thing. NOW look around - do you see where everything is? Your shoes, your keys, your wallet?

Good. Now whatever you do keep everything where you left it because unless you want to start replacing stuff with more stuff because you can't find the stuff you had you need to keep everything exactly as you had it.

Don't. move.a.thing

If you do, and you are like us you will be looking for the missing part for the thing that you only use once in a while, but without that one effing part the rest of the thing is useless.

Take today for example:

As I write this, I have Santa Claus and Christmas Greetings projected onto my house:

We're a little early on the Christmas thing this year.

You see, last year BW bought a Christmas projector because it's a whole lot easier and safer to plug in a cheap chinese made projector into the dirt than string actual Christmas lights up around the house. The result is the same: Excited Child and this is a lot easier. I like easier.

I found a use for the dirt pile in our front yard.

The reason we have Christmas decorations up in September?

Because this projector came with a bunch of slides that you can use for other holidays so you can shine the Easter bunny on the side of the house or what would be much more appropriate: Halloween stuff like bats and pumpkins and the like.

But we're already at XMAS 2024 here because somebody (I'm not naming names here) moved the slides somewhere. The problem with moving stuff so you will find it, is that it comes time to actually find the stuff you were supposed to find you can't find it so the purpose of moving it is kind of useless. It's the circle of hell of stuff.

In our case, it means that we're a tad early on the holiday lighting this year. We have lights up for the holiday, it's just the wrong holiday.

Of course this is my fault: Where did you move them?I had them right here? BW asked me today as we were looking for them.,

Wait a minute. There a lot of things I am responsible for in this house but decorating is not it. I am "tidy husband" not "decorating husband". She picks the trees and wreaths and the decorations. I get to pick the lawn mower and what's for dinner. I'm not taking the hit for this one.

You would think that you could go online and order replacement slides that fit in this thing so we could once again have holiday appropriate decorations, but we can't find them and we're loathe to spend more money on a another slide projector thingy only to use those slides too.

The child doesn't seem to care and is thrilled with the fact that there's lights shining on the house so I think this not finding problem isn't a problem at all and all I had to do was to string some extension cord across the front lawn and I have decorations up for two holidays at the same time.

I don't know about you guys, but that's what I call a win.

Merry Christmas!

TH and Co.

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