I'm Done

No you're not

I'm Done
Photo by Brooke Lark / Unsplash

Every night it's the same thing. She has a few bites with us and save for a few exceptions when she's really hungry - she then declares that she's done

No, you're not - we both reply

Have 3 more bites of (insert healthiest option here) we instruct her

For the most part she's agreeable with this deal as she's pretty much got her way and now, we can get to the real reason for dinner: dessert.

So, she gets dessert. For the most part she's okay with whatever we have or pick. Obviously, she doesn't want an apple when she can have ice cream, and she knows she can't have ice cream every night or cookies every night but there has to be dessert. Every. Night.

I don't remember having dessert every night when I was a kid and you would think that dessert every night would be something I remember but I don't. I'm not saying it didn't happen, just that I don't remember. I remember dessert being a treat not a right.

She really doesn't really care what she gets as long as there's dessert. Sometimes, our dessert stash is better than other nights where her only options are an apple. or nothing.

She's a good eater and will happily eat vegetables that other kids won't touch so a bit of dessert is okay most nights. She doesn't even care about the quantity of the dessert. Half a cookie, or one small gummy bear is fine. As long as there's sugar involved, she's good.

Unless we've been celebrating birthdays, there's not cake in the house every day. Popsicles were popular this summer because they're pretty much water and they were homemade with just juice so...a healthy dessert? I don't know.

Tonight, was cookies and cream ice cream because we've had a few rough weeks full of events that we would rather not have experienced. At the end of the day, we all need dessert. I think they call this stress eating.

She's going to be in for a surprise when the ice cream is gone and we're back to apples again.

But at least she will get her just dessert.

Until next time,

TH and Co.

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