It's Her Party and I will Cry if I Want To.
Wanted: One pot of gold.

The child turns six in 2 weeks.
I forgot about this part: With the first year of school comes lots of friends.
This poses a problem with whom to invite to your birthday party. BW tells me that if we hand out invitations in her class then the rule is you have to invite the entire class. This makes complete sense as it's not fair for little Jimmy to be left behind.
We're in the age of "everybody gets a prize" so it should come as no surprise that we invited ..well, the whole class. We follow the rules here.
In fact, not only did we invite her entire class, I am pretty sure we invited about half of the other kindergarten class at the school because half of her friends are in that class too.
I think we are up to 26 kids. TWENTY SIX.
We're definitely not hosting a birthday party at home with 26 six-year-olds in the house (could you imagine?). So that begs the question: where then?
Why Niagara Fun Park of course.

Remember how the ball pit at IKEA was one of the coolest things you could do as a kid? Well, this is so much better. They have oh, a dozen or so indoor bouncy castles that are absolutely huge and the kids just run from room to room and castle to castle for two hours straight.
They are going to have a blast. We've already had some RSVP's come back to us and so that's great and we're all excited and looking forward to the big day.
Wanna know what's not great? The cost. BW is in charge of the finances for this but this birthday party is starting to creep too close to a thousand dollars. Yikes!
Here's an approximate breakdown of the costs
- 25 kids x 20 each $500
- Birthday Cake $100
- Loot bags $100
- snacks for the adults $50ish
Yikes! That's a lot of uber rides I have to do.
We told her we can't/will not be doing this every year where we invite all the friends and cough up all the money for 2 hours of fun. It's only because this year is the first year at school and she has a lot of new friends.
Next year we will be more selective with friends and have a few and not the entire class.
Another reason for limiting the invite count is that now we're about to receive 26 gifts! 26 my little pony sets or other pink plastic from Target/WalMart/China. We have no room in the house for 26 gifts! We don't need or want 26 gifts.
We really just wanted to have fun and blow out some candles on a cake with a few friends. I'm not sure how this turned into a birthday party the same size as woodstock, but it has.
All this to say: Next time you're in an Uber - tip your driver - they might have a birthday party to pay for.