No Dessert Thursday

At the rate she's going there's never going to be dessert again.

No Dessert Thursday
Photo by Karlis Dambrans / Unsplash

It started almost immediately after she came in the house from school. I do not know what was going on, but she's just been a little...well, you know. Not a well-behaved child, that's for sure.

The first struggle was trying to take her sling off of all things. When she came in the house. You would think that we were trying to get her to put it on, but nope. She went to the Doctor's yesterday, and she's allowed to take it off when she's home. We still have a few weeks of healing on that arm to go and it wasn't helping things by fighting us to keep it on.

She was then asked to feed the dog because it's her job.


"I'm sorry, what did you say? I asked

She proceeded to protest. I explained to her (read: idle threats) that mommy has the best-est biggest event planed for Sunday for the 3 of us, but if she keeps being like the little turd she currently is then we can give her tickets to her friends so they can go.

That didn't work.

"Go to your room", I said.

She figured out that I meant business and so made a big fuss of feeding the dog full of drama and emotion. The dog didn't care how the food happened as long as it did.

Then I told her to go to her room. She thought she was golden because she fed the dog, but nope - that doesn't reset the clock. You still misbehaved - You even fed the dog with an attitude.

Cue the screaming.

I finally get her to her room and then more screaming and more and more and more. You get the idea.

Finally, she settles down and she wants to play. Nope, not until she apologizes, I explain. Apologies happen and are accepted.

Then just as we were sitting down to dinner, her friend up the street came to the door and wanted to play. Bad timing, she's just eating dinner.

Dinner was pretty uneventful. She was warned it was no dessert Thursday so that was easier than I expected. She even ate most of her dinner. There's hope.

After dinner, she was just finishing the last bite, and her friend was at the door again wanting to play. BW answered the door and told the neighbor kid that the child could not come out because she was misbehaving.


She went ballistic when she heard that. I guess in her mind we were all good but nope, you don't get to stomp and scream and then expect to go out and play. That's not how it works.

I've never seen anybody get so red. I thought she was going to explode.

Tantrum mode has been activated. Holy.

Finally, I got her to settle down so she could breathe again and then by then she's absolutely exhausted. This works out great, because: bedtime!

She brushed her teeth and then I rubbed her back a bit while she was in bed and she's out before 6pm. I'm parent of the year!

She came a few times wanting this and that and there was some protest about wanting a night light on but as I write this I am doing so uninterrupted, so I am calling that a win for today.

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