Sick with Kids

Sorry, Dad is Closed. Press 2 for Mommy

Sick with Kids
Photo by Tim Mossholder / Unsplash

I have garnered enough energy to place my fingers on the keyboard tonight to inform you all I am sick. It's just a common cold and nothing to worry about otherwise. Dayquil is helping.

Why I am writing about my ailment is that kids don't care if you're sick. You could be on death's door and you still have to care for them. Whomever developed this parenting thing should of thought about this and have a backup plan.

I can push a button on my phone and get curtains delivered in less than 24 hours. But if I feel so crappy I just want to curl up in a ball because I am a parent I still have to um, parent.

And being a parent while sick might just be the worst thing ever. This got me to doing some thinking..

Folks, I present to you my new online internet idea:


Think about it. Push a button on an app and you get an insured and background checked grandparent to help out.

I figure why not? They say that the worst thing you can do when you retire is just stop and watch FOX news all day so this would keep our aging population relevant

We've had the neighbor across thew street come over when I had to take BW to the hospital once and because she IS a grandma she didn't need instructions or emergency phone numbers.

She looked me straight in the eye and said to me "Don't worry, I've got this". And she did.

Because she's seen all the things with her own children and her own grandchildren too she has the experience. We have an entire generation of aging boomers that need to turn off the TV and and into our homes to read an emergency session of Fox in Socks instead of watching Fox TV.

This is what the world needs more of: real leaders that can help.

And of course, bring you a little soup if it wouldn't be too much of a bother.

Thank you for reading! When you Shop Amazon I get a small commission on what you buy and this costs you nothing. Want to know what else helps? Subscribing. Lastly you can always buy me a coffee. - TH and Co.