Soccer mixed with laundry periods
And then just like that - it's Sunday Night
As BW and I were folding laundry together we realized that:
- Holy, Laundry. We don't know where it comes from. We both don't have jobs that would require us to have this much laundry. I blame the child.
- The weekends go fast here. Saturday is Soccer, Swimming is on Sunday and add some time for the tablet and for BW to watch the Eagles play and there you have it - bath night on Sunday is here.
Time flies. We did absolutely nothing spectacular unless you count BW's painting above (which is spectacular BTW) and yet here it is Sunday again.
Tonight is the night the three wise men come and apparently with Camels too!. I hope they wipe their feet when they come in as I just mopped the floor! Also Camels spit I am told. I will be miffed if there's spit everywhere when I wake up
When BW told her the men and camels were stopping by tonight she asked me what it was all about. I told her my standard reply: ask your Mother.
This must be a Latin thing because in Canada we just had the two wise men: Tim Horton and Ron Joyce. And they were wise - Especially Ron as he made a bit of money, eh? The book is a good read. if you want to know the history of Canada's wise men.
I had never heard of this wise men thing. I thought they came to see Jesus and left. I didn't realize that they came to your house in the middle of the night - and with Camels in tow as well.. Apparently they got the Christmas dates mixed up and they show up in the new year looking for little kid's shoes by the door to leave gifts.
Or, at least that's what I am told. 🐫