Socky Underpants

When old socks are the new black

Socky Underpants
Photo by Natalie Kinnear / Unsplash

She has a favorite toy. All kids do.

Want to know what gets lost all the time? You betcha, the favorite toy.

In our case, it's Don.

Say Hello To Donald Trunk the fourth

We're on Donald the Trunk IV. One, two and three all got eaten by the dog at some point. We cut the binky off long long ago and I have to tell you it was the most upset I ever saw her. She was begging me to somehow to fix it. The fix was to cut it off so it doesn't ruin her teeth. She got over it.

Anyway, Don.

We have spent countless hours looking for Don. We have torn apart entire rooms looking for Don. I have had my entire head in the dog crate looking for Don. When it comes to bedtime the words every adult in the house doesn't want to hear is "Has anybody seen Don?"

We keep hoping that one day there will not be a need to search for Don and instead we'll be looking for her iPhone. I can't wait. I think.

Want to know what happens when Don gets left behind when we're away and you can't buzz down to Target to get a replacement quickly? You improvise.

Folks, I present to you Socky Underpants:

Yes, that's a sock she goes to bed with. Clean underpants are always at the ready.

We were away in Philadelphia and I forget where Don was, but he wasn't with us so in a moment of desperation or inspiration I came up with this sock thing you see above.

I didn't have a lot to go with as we just had a small suitcase at the Air B+B so I grabbed the sock and some of her clean underpants, shoved them in a sock and ta-da!

Necessity is the mother of Invention

She loved it. We were away from Don for almost a week and she could care less because she had socky underpants.

This is actual verison 2.0 and a limited edition socky underpants. The other night we could not find Don for the life of us so I suggested that we make a Socky Underpants and she was all over it. There was an entire discussion on what underpants should go in there. It took way too long at 8:30 pm to jam some underpants in one of my socks and get her to bed.

Of course as soon as we had the socky situation sorted out we found Don. I was cleaning up and tossed him into my pocket in my hoodie and then went and hung the hoodie up.

She went to bed with both and could not be happier. 😴

Be very afraid Elmo. There's a new kid in town.

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