The SH Word

A story about words and other things that come out of my little stinker.

The SH Word
Photo by J Dean / Unsplash

At dinner tonight I was trying to steer the conversation away from unicorns or whatever else is going on inside her head, so I asked her a question: who on the bus to school is the troublemaker?

"Robbie", she said.

"Oh? What did Robbie do?", I asked

"He said the SH word", she replied.

All of us at the table replied with a chorus of oooooooooooh, that's bad.

Muoy Bad, - as they say in Spanish.

We then expressed the importance of not saying that word. You can use the words poo, poop, etc. But not the SH word.

Never the SH word.

Continuing with the brown word themes today: This morning as I was getting her dressed there was a little squeak noise coming out of her posterior. I asked her if she passed gas. She said no. (liar).

But then said to me:

"Hey Dad! Did you know that a small but loud fart is called a toot?"

"Oh, really?" I replied. "That's great. Now put your shoes on so you can catch the bus and get to school on time"

Just don't sit beside Robbie. I hear he's a little sh...