The Towel Warmer

This was not the post I wanted to write today. Or any day.

The Towel Warmer
Photo by Rinku Shemar / Unsplash

I had another post in the queue for today but that will have to wait because I want to share that it's not all sunshine and unicorns. Sometimes it's about the silliest things.

Tonight's tantrum was brought to you by the towel warmer.

First, we are partly to blame here as she does not like change, and we changed it up and when you're five that is not allowed. Stay on course, you, people.

I was downstairs when I told BW that I would clean up if she wanted to get some PJs on the wee one and we can stop for the day as she's fading fast. Deal, she said.

On the way up to the bedroom, it was determined that we could not remember the last time the child had a bath or shower, and it was decided that one was needed.

Cue the screaming. Again, don't change things up on her. She does not like that. You would think we would learn.

I come upstairs to see what is going on and she's giving mommy a tough time and so I take over and make it a quick shower. A quick rinse of the hair and Hiney and we're out of there.

While I was showering her up, BW told her that she would warm the towel in the towel warmer for her.

This is a Towel Warmer

You too can spoil your family members for less than you think.

Check Price

We're pretty bougie here to have a towel warmer. I always forget about it because the only place we can plug it in is in BW's office across the hall from the bathroom. which is far from optimal. This means one of two things must happen:

  1. It becomes a 2-person production: One to do the showering, and another to get the towel. This is okay with BW and I because, well, you get the idea. This does not work if there's a houseguest in the shower and unless they bring their own valet nobody else is going to get the towel for them and dry them off.
  2. I hop out of a perfectly warm shower and drip across the hallway naked hoping that nobody sees, and I don't slip and fall on the wet floor. Then there's the cleanup afterwards. It's just not worth it for a warm towel. Too much risk for too little reward

If we had one of those bathrooms that somehow the mommy bloggers are writing about or pinning to their Pinterest account I could see the attraction of the towel warmer, but we don't.

Back to the story: Child is clean, mommy grabs the warm towel and hands it to me and I proceed to wrap it around the kiddo. All good, right?

Oh. No.

She goes crazy! It was not good. There is red faced screaming and stamping of feet in the tub. We just wanted to get her to calm down because she was stomping and storming in a slippery bathtub and she still has a broken arm and we didn't want to have to back to the hospital because she fell again.

Despite our best efforts she could just not calm down:


There was no warm towel. It was not coming. This is not the Holiday Inn. You're lucky to even have the option of a warm towel, my child. This is the towel, and this towel gets colder the longer you scream.

There's no stopping her once she gets something in her head. We were doing great until we were not, and it all went sideways

Like a lot of things, time heals all and over time she settled down and we got back to the bedtime routine because by this time she was exhausted and was practically begging for bed.

I tucked her in, turned off the light and haven't heard a peep from her since.

Keep Warm and Dry,

Tidy Husband and Co.

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