You Want Fries with That?

Let's Pretend to Eat Junk Food!

You Want Fries with That?
Photo by Laurence Visuals / Unsplash

What would we do without Melissa and Doug?

Oh, I know. We would have a lot less crap in the house. It's not the stuff, it's the fact that it's a set. When the toy is just for an example; a ball - you have the ball and that's it. With toys that are kits you have pieces. Want to know what gets lost at our house?

You got it. Pieces.

This of course would be a lot easier without the dog but every time I ask about the dog leaving us, I get a hard NO. Some pieces might still be around if we were dog less, but so it goes.

This latest addition to our house is this Melissa and Doug Diner Kit that has 41 pieces! Let me say that again: forty-one pieces. You try bending down 41 times and picking up the pieces and see how you like it. They never tell you this on the listing for it on Amazon. They make it seem as having 41 pieces is a good thing. Oh, look at this realistic diner kit with 41 pieces, It's so realistic! Isn't the little coffee pot so cute!

Maybe I'm going to the wrong diners over the years but in real life I never come into contact with 41 pieces.

Melissa and Doug Diner Kit

All 41 pieces in all their glory

Buy Yours Today!

At a real diner I get a napkin, knife and fork and a plate. Add a coffee cup, some juice and some jam for my toast and I'm still under 10 items in the real world. If I am really lucky, i might get offered a refill, but that doesn't count because I would be reusing the cup. This just isn't realistic at all.

We like the Melissa and Doug stuff, we do - until we lose the stuff. Then you have to pretend that the missing piece never existed OR you just toss out the entire kit and hope the child doesn't notice. A hot dog bun without the dog doesn't get ordered at any diner, real or otherwise.

Of course this is the new toy into the house thanks to Thanksgiving as an excuse to gift the child to death. (She also got pajamas which are much more practical) and so as soon as the child sees a victim walk by in the living room, she attacks from behind the couch and asks the deadly question: Can you play with me?

Of course I can! I squeal with delight as I frantically scan and count the area where she has all the stuff laid out for display: (I'm not seeing 41 pieces here)

I didn't see avocado toast on the menu.

She took my order: remember, only one thing at a time. Told me to sit down and she would ring the bell when it's ready.

Bing! Waffles Up!

The waffles came delivered by the most beautiful waitress I have ever seen ❤️

I did have to stiff her a bit on the tip because her busboy (aka: the dog) ate one of the play dollars already.

That leaves us with 40 pieces left...

Keep dining,

TH and Co.

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