The Flu Shot

Taking a 5 year old to get a needle in the arm: how bad could it be?

The Flu Shot
Photo by Markus Spiske / Unsplash

OMG you guys I am so so tired I can't see straight but I am trying to write here every day and I have to tell you today has been a day of days.

It started at 12am when I get a text from BW that she's coming home from the hospital because after sitting and waiting they can't find anything wrong with her.

"Did you mention the part where you can't breathe?" I asked. And yes she did, but the 12 year old doctor working the ER called it bronchitis ands sent her home.


My day really started the next morning calling her doctor and basically saying: um...WTF? You told us to go to the hospital and then we go and then get sent home? You suck.

While I was on the phone with the Dr's I was also trying to scramble eggs when the guy from Stanley Steemer showed up to get a reading of how things are drying in my flooded basement. I opened the door, pointed him to downstairs and let him do his thing.

I had a flood going on downstairs and yet I was fighting fires all morning too.

While all this was going on I had to convince a 5 year old to put down the tablet and get some clothes on because today is the day we get your smaller braces:

she picked them: farm animals with purple straps

She's come a long way. She still has to wear the bigger clunky ones at night but during the day she gets to wear these much lighter ones as well. If all goes well when she outgrows these that will be the end of the braces and there will be no more tippy toe walking. I'm very proud of how well she has done with these.

Of course, new braces mean new shoes and she almost burst when she saw these: They meet all the requirements as they are pink and they have lights, so we were good.! Also they are Skechers so they are a bit better quality than whatever we find at Target.

What's not to love about shoes that light up?

Seeing as how mom was home sick and dad was in charge, I did what any responsible parent would do and took her to McDonalds 🙄

needs more ketchup.

and...because I had her out in the world, I didn't want to take her home only to attempt to try and get her back in the car for her flu shot so we just killed some time at Best Buy for a while until it was closer to the appointment.

Sponge Bob would look great on this.

Then, the shot.

She knew it was coming and she was good in the car on the way over, in the waiting room and even in the exam room.

That was - until she saw the needle.

Then it's like a devil took over my child and she turned bright red and screamed andkicked like she was possessed. It took the nurse and I two different attempts to get her held down enough so she could get the poke in the arm that would be about 1 second in duration. You should have heard the screaming and the crying - and that was just from me.

And then, it was over.

It always amazes me how kids can go from full on tantrum to "oh look, a squirrel" in .2 seconds.

We had a talk about how maybe kicking and screaming wasn't the best behavior and the needle isn't that bad and it's going to happen again and we all have to do things we don't want to do sometimes.

Anyway. Screaming. Lots and lots of screaming.

After that we're done - right? Go home?

Well..yes and no.

Earlier in the week when things were not a complete dumpster fire BW made an appointment for her to get her haircut in an hour. But first, I had to go to the pharmacy and get her new meds that were prescribed earlier because we want to have her breathing for some time still.

A quick trip to the pharmacy and then back to pick up my tired child to take her for a haircut. Today's lesson folks: don't take a tired kid anywhere. Let alone to get their haircut on a Friday afternoon at 4pm. She was one itchy wiggling belligerent mess by this point. Some hairs were cut. Good enough. Let's go home.

We get home and because the cook is barely breathing it's become my job to find dinner. I do what any man would do in a situation like this: I went out and came home with a frozen pizza and ice cream.

After dinner I managed to get a load of laundry done and the child de-stickified from the day in the tub. A quick snack, tooth brush and a story read to her and that was it. I was officially off duty.

As I write this she's upstairs listening to kid podcasts and I am writing this with the very last bit of energy I have before I crawl into bed and rock myself to sleep.

until tomorrow...

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