Wet Feet

We haven't reached dry land yet.

Wet Feet
Photo by Toby Hall / Unsplash

Sunday PM:

As I write this, I have wet socks. Ew. I know.

I have just come up from downstairs where the third time this week I have had to change my socks due to a sewer backup that's flooded out my home office all week.

The end is nigh though as in the morning Frank and friends are coming to fix said leak by ripping up the entire front yard and replacing the old 50 year old clay pipes with fancy new plastic pipes. I guess 50 years ago, the planners didn't think about clay pipes and tree roots. As I sit here with sewage water on my feet it's all I am thinking about.

The current state of things

It's not looking good down there. Last time I looked it was something like this:

Photo by Gabriel Dizzi on Unsplash

Well...perhaps I exaggerate a bit. But still, it's not good and my home office is wet and deconstructed - greetings from the kitchen table. 😃

Once the plumbers do their thing then the remediation firm comes and pulls up all the wet floor, cuts out 50 feet of drywall and runs industrial sized air blowers for days. It's going to be fun. I MAY BE SHOUTING A BIT when they install these things because they are far from quiet. I hope she will still be able to sleep.

After that then the contractor comes and installs new drywall, paint and floor to make me whole again and get me away from the kitchen table ergonomics. I used to be able to write at a table but no longer. Now a standing desk is my preferred work station.,

We are thinking charcoal for a floor color down there:

I'm not sure about the grain.

Monday PM:

Nevermind about floor colors just quite yet. It seems I have gotten ahead of myself with the planning

You see, this happened:

Literally thousands of dollars down the drain

And while it was happening the ladies had front row seats while waiting for the school bus this morning:

Watching our lawn get torn up is not an everyday thing.

And that means our plumbing problems are fixed - yes?

NO. Not Fixed.

Wife yelled at poor kid who came to have a look and see what the problem was. . (wife later apologized).

Turns out there was some gunk on the end of the pipe that even though it's new pipes through and through there was still a blockage somewhere and some how so I have wet socks for 2nd time in 24 hours.

The guys that did it seemed to take a lot of breaks but then again I wasn't babysitting them either so who knows. Mistakes happen. This will all get sorted out one way or another.

I guess one might even say that shit happens. 😃

Tomorrow they bring cameras and figure all this out. All I know is that my feet are still wet and I'm still cranky.

I'm no plumber but this doesn't look right

The plan was for the remediation team to come tomorrow and dry us out but I had to call and postpone because we really don't have a handle on this leak yet and that needs to happen before we start to dry stuff out and replace it.

The floor color will have to wait

So. Yeah - Water Sucks

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